Friday, October 17, 2014

Better than the cold one!

Hike #8 Challenger Park, Simi Valley

First quarter of school over, grades input, I headed home to celebrate with a cold drink and TV. But as I drove with my sunroof open, I was entranced by the wispy clouds against the bluest sky. How could I not go out for a hike?!

The trail split immediately, so I walked forward because it seemed more mysterious (as if I need a little more mystery in my life!)...and I was greatly rewarded. 

This is where I shall build my fort. 

I ran out of trail and turned around just in time to catch this beauty. 

And a little bit of Simi. 

I hit a fork in the road: back to my car or up, up, up! 

It quickly became one of the toughest hikes I've done thus far. Higher and higher I climbed. 

Like, seriously. Hard. <insert heavy breathing> But so worth it! 

And a second picture because. Yes, just because.

The sun set and I ran back to my car (for exercise, not because I am scared of the dark or anything...) Hike #8 is officially my favorite hike to date.

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