Sunday, January 29, 2017

Seasons of Love

RENT was the first musical to enchant my heart. As a teenager, I listened to the Original Broadway Cast recording obsessively, eventually being able to sing the entire soundtrack cover to cover. I fell in love with the music, the story, the characters...lyrics that are deeply moving, harmonies that evoke emotion.

RENT at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre, 2017

This week, I was able to see the musical again at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre. It was beautiful. I listened with my heart this time, knowing the words before they were sung. It's amazing how some art can defy the limits of it's time. This is a story about love. Not a type of love, not a way to love...just love. And I think we could all use a little more of that right now.

"in daylights - in sunsets - in midnights - in cups of coffee
in inches - in miles - in laughter and strife
in five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in the life"
Jonathan Larson

Sunday, January 22, 2017

My Big Adventure

I thought that you were my big adventure
But it turns out the adventure was mine
Though my heart was shattered
Pieces were scattered
I rebuilt it all in time

Sunrise, Wood Ranch Parkway

And I didn't know how strong I could be
You broke my heart
But you didn't break me
And I didn't know I could love you even more
For saying goodbye
For closing this door

Sunset, Challenger Park

I opened my eyes after the tears did subside
Oh, how the colors vibrantly shine
I hold my head up high
Face to the sky
For now the time is mine

Sunrise, Wood Ranch Golf Club

And I didn't know how strong I could be
You broke my heart
But you didn't break me
And I didn't know I could love you even more
For saying goodbye
For closing this door

Sunset, Long Canyon Trail

You said goodbye
I opened this door

Sunday, January 15, 2017

95 Years Young!

My Grandpa Bob turned 95 this weekend! I met him when he was a mere 81 years old. I had flown down over spring break and went to meet the new step-family. Grandpa Bob sat in the living room talking about Cessna's, Piper's, and other airplane and flight stuff. I was enthralled.

Joseph, Daddy, Robert DuFresne, 1924

I got to learn a lot about Grandpa Bob's life in just one afternoon. Over the past 14 years, the stories have rolled in (most, lovingly told by Grandma Lee, sometimes more than once!). Some of the best are the tales of camping and water skiing on Lake Trinity, years working for Pacific Telephone, and his flying days.

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Lee singing together on Christmas Eve, 2016
After Pearl Harbor, Grandpa Bob (like many others) joined the US Navy. He was given the job of Forward Observer, where he was dropped at an island (sometimes alone), dug a foxhole, and watched the ship movements offshore.

Robert DuFresne, US Navy, 1942
My favorite story comes from Grandpa Bob's childhood days. His family relocated to Los Angeles from Marion, Ohio. They drove across the United States in a Model T Ford. Without a place to do laundry in Yellowstone National Park, Grandpa Bob's britches were cleansed in the power wash known as Old Faithful.

Robert and Joseph DuFresne, 1923
A lifetime full of love, Grandpa Bob shows us how to enjoy each day. Happy 95th!

Grandpa Bob holding the youngest great grandchild, 2016

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cats, Craft brew, Choices

Alas, the end of winter break. I guess I ought to turn my alarm clock back on, put real clothes on each day, and time my bathroom breaks for lunch periods. Say goodbye to the giant coffee I've been lazily consuming each morning, while snuggling with the cats under the softest fleece blanket, and catching up on the news (and social media).

I tried to incorporate some boldness in my life this week. First of all, I started using my Instagram as more than just a way to catch all the pictures of my friends' lives. Instead, I wanted to make it a place I can go and see pictures of all my favorite things (no, it's not all cats).

(Ok, it's 98% cats and 2% craft brews.)

Check #catsofinstagram for all this cuteness.
I also found myself in the midst of a holiday party for one of my favorite places (Barrelhouse 101). It was being held at a local brewery (Ventura Coast Brewing Company) and included a brewery tour for their staff! I should mention that sometimes, I can be a little shy. I can keep my comments to myself and quietly take in the scene...this was not one of those times. I really enjoyed learning about the brewing process!

As I head back to school tomorrow, I'll do my best to keep moving forward, make bold choices, create this future I dream of, not give in.

Golden China Restaurant, 2017
I will go down with this ship
I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

Sunday, January 1, 2017


There was a time I used to sit down and write my New Year's Resolutions. 
I resolve to run more and eat out less. I resolve to organize my house. I resolve to drink fewer vodka sodas. 
We all know how this turned out...basically, I run when I want to, my organizational skills have not improved, and I just drink more whiskey. 

Birthday at PC's, 2016
A few years ago, I decided I would try something new. Instead of making specific goals, I would think about a word that would guide me in the new year. 
2016: BRAVE
2017: BOLD

I'm not exactly sure what it means for me yet, but I know this year is going to be full of some big decisions and I think a little boldness could go a long way. Cheers to a happy, healthy, wonderful New Year. May this year be full of laughter, love, and peace of mind.

Champagne Toast at Chuy's Simi West, 2017