Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Marco? Marco? Um, Marco?

Hike #10 Big Sky Trail, Simi Valley

And the trailhead never responded... We eventually hopped a fence and got on board.

Nothing much to tell here. We saw some backyards and future hills to climb.

A beautiful sunset (filtered for a little excitement!)

And a teeny sliver of a moon watching over us. 

Goodnight, Moon. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Probably the most well-known Simi hike.

Hike #9 Mount McCoy, Simi Valley

One word: Switchbacks. It wasn't tough, just a little dizzying with all the turnarounds! 

I loved the cactus patch at the beginning. I scooched in for a closer pic, so glad my clumsiness didn't join me!

There were shortcuts throughout, but I was taking the switchbacks to get extra steps in. Kept crossing paths with a 74 year old man who has 6 children and 20 grandchildren. His youngest son is 42, and he wishes he had more power left in his legs. (I learned a little about him each time we saw each other...) 

Anyway, reached the top and realized a morning hike here would be much prettier - no shadow to cloud my view!

Still, a couple nice shots. 

And the (obligatory) cross. 

From the base, it seems majestic. Thank you, missionaries. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Better than the cold one!

Hike #8 Challenger Park, Simi Valley

First quarter of school over, grades input, I headed home to celebrate with a cold drink and TV. But as I drove with my sunroof open, I was entranced by the wispy clouds against the bluest sky. How could I not go out for a hike?!

The trail split immediately, so I walked forward because it seemed more mysterious (as if I need a little more mystery in my life!)...and I was greatly rewarded. 

This is where I shall build my fort. 

I ran out of trail and turned around just in time to catch this beauty. 

And a little bit of Simi. 

I hit a fork in the road: back to my car or up, up, up! 

It quickly became one of the toughest hikes I've done thus far. Higher and higher I climbed. 

Like, seriously. Hard. <insert heavy breathing> But so worth it! 

And a second picture because. Yes, just because.

The sun set and I ran back to my car (for exercise, not because I am scared of the dark or anything...) Hike #8 is officially my favorite hike to date.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Rocks, sunshine, and graffiti! (Oh my!)

Hike #7 Corriganville, Simi Valley

So many treasures tucked in here beside the 118 freeway!

Heading out, I had no idea where to go or what to expect...

And then I spotted these rocks! And the sun was shining! And the science nerd in me started thinking about how incredible our earth is to have created these formations and that we (humans) take up such a minuscule amount of time here. Woah. 

At one point, I was sure I had lost myself in the hills...but is that really such a bad thing?

There I was: top of the hill, 50 feet from the freeway, and I see a tunnel with graffiti! Naturally, I go for a closer look, and was pleasantly surprised with the positivity. 

View from the top. So much to see!

And, done. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A good reason to be up early!

Hike #6 Los Padres Trail, Thousand Oaks

I can't imagine getting up before 7am for any reason other than hanging out with a good friend; the beautiful hike was just icing on the cake!

Remember the book Bridge to Terabithia? This is how I imagined it. Through the trees...
And over the bridge...

Couldn't pass the gate here, but how I wanted to!

So I met this sky...couldn't be any sweeter.