It's been almost 2 months since Ireland. So what took me so long to write this blog? I had so much to say (and SO MANY pictures to show!) that I didn't know where to begin! I'll start with this: It was amazing. The end.
Just kidding! The grass was almost neon green. The sky was overcast often, but when the sun broke through, it was glorious. There were cows in the fields and deer in the meadows. There were ancient castles and tombstones of those you think of only as legends.
There was an abundance of water -- beautiful, running, water -- that flowed shamelessly along the River Shannon...and my faucet sink (gasp!)
There were caves with stalactites and stalagmites larger than I've ever seen before. There were cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean that took my breath away.
There was a bus full of smiles and laughter and friendships forming. The cities were clean and friendly, and the tour guides were charming and oh, so patient (Thanks, Martin and Anne!) Limerick, Killarney, Cork, and Dublin welcomed us into their streets (and their Pubs) to feel what it meant to be Irish.
There were meals shared in hotel dining halls and great castles. There was one reason we were all in Ireland together: beautifully sung concerts, performed with passion and intention. There were moments when you realized the music you created together is what unifies our hearts.
Oh, and there was whiskey. My god, was there ever some whiskey.
For the full set of pictures I took in Ireland CLICK HERE! Please let me know which pictures you liked most by commenting on them!